Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Claytons Government....We have to have
Local Government (councils)
State government Labor or Liberal Parties
Federal Government Labor or Liberal Parties
There are also other parties which can hold seats within the Government such as Independent members which do not belong to a party, Democrates, Greens, Family first, but none cannot hold only a liberal or Labor party leader can become State Premiere or Prime Minister. At an election we can vote for anyone from any party on the ballot slip, however these none Labor and liberal members must give their vote to one of the major parties and this can quite often give one of the major parties power to govern.
The problem we are seeing at present is suido opposition party in Government. The Prime Minister John Howard leader af the Australian Liberal Party is loosing popularity at a steam train rate with as a consequence the opposition leader Kevin Rudds increasing. Something which is striking me more and more often is the blurring of the line between the two parties....
John Howard is slipping he is old, out of touch, and seemingly more and more concerned for the wealthfair of big business....this is no surprise the Liberal Party has always been pro business, where the confusion starts is the Labor Party and Kevin Rudd's similar interests, the Labor Party has traditionally been the workers party fighting for fairness in the work place, social change and equality etc.. it was founded by and still has a large number of Union Representives. Rudd seems to be distancing himself on any and all issues which promote this. Following in many cases Howards lead on issue and agreeing if not fully then in the most part with his views and policies.
With People such Peter Garrett, yes the former Midnight Oil lead singer, protest leader, Environment Warrior, joining the Federal Labor Party we were given the impression of yes finally someone to get the message out there but like so many of the these well meaning people they are falsed to follow the party lines and unfortunatly his hands have been tied and his mouth gagged on the issue he was once famous for.
This is not the case in all areas of policies but it does seem to be in the vast majority of them...
So I ask you when we go to vote this year for our new Prime Minister will it make any difference who we get.....
Howard lies and out of touch messages ... or Rudds Yes Sir mentallity....
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
White House pranksters wrap Rove's car
White House pranksters wrapped White House political maven Karl Rove's black Jaguar in plastic wrap on Wednesday on the private driveway next to the West Wing.
Rove's car was easily recognisable. Besides the clear-plastic sheen, it bore a bumper sticker that said "I love Barack Obama" and had twin stuffed-animal bald eagles on the trunk.
Oh, and there was a stuffed-animal elephant on the hood, the Republican party symbol possibly placed there to offset the Democratic presidential candidate's bumper sticker. For the record, as the top White House political strategist to Republican President George W Bush, Rove is not an Obama supporter.
Rove, who recently announced his resignation, left his car on the driveway while visiting Texas and travelling with Bush.
He returned to the White House early this evening, ventured out to the driveway and, wearing a big smile, began unwrapping the car. Rove got some help from a few eager children who had come by the White House to watch the president's arrival on the South Lawn in the Marine One helicopter.
Rove seemed to assign blame for the prank on Al Hubbard, chairman of Bush's National Economic Council. He playfully pointed the finger at Hubbard while the kids ripped off the plastic wrap.
My StumbleUpon Page
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The price of a pizza in Iraq: an eye and a leg
It begs two question:
1.. in a Country at war why the hell are civilians being recruited to work as civilians in such areas.....
2.. What the Fudge is Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and others doing feeding the soldiers whilst at war regardless of the reasons for being there.....?
Do you think having a Pizza Hut MacDonalds etc in the Trenches during WW2 would have made a difference....?
Perhaps these are jobs the United States and Australian Politicians children could do...? after all they don't wont them fighting.....
But like all Governments they would they would preferr to send the poor into places of harm, paying them a pitiful wage.
Is this because they are not as worthy as middle class families or are they just to much of problem for people to care?
Unfortunately will the oportunities are there people with very little choice will be used and abused in this fashion.... There is no reason why if this trend continues they at least cannot be paid a reason wage, with medical and compensation included with in their wage stucture.... and a time limited placed upon the time they remain in these areas.....
If they cannot be guaranteed some form of safety and reconpense they should need be there...
The American government has a lot to answer for in this regard....
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Constantine Rodriguez had just fetched chilli peppers and was going out to get some onions when he heard the siren for an incoming rocket. All he remembers was a door blasting open and a loud explosion.
A quiet man from the former Portuguese colony of Goa in southwestern India, Rodriguez was working at a Pizza Hut restaurant at Taji, one of the main U.S. air bases in Iraq, when he was caught up in an attack.
He is lucky to be alive, said Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Martin, the surgeon who treated him earlier this month at the 28th Combat Support Hospital in Baghdad. Shrapnel took out an eye, pulverized one of his legs and damaged his torso. He lost a lot of blood, but surgeons were able to save him.
As he lay recovering in hospital, all he could think of was the new wife he had left in India when he went to Iraq last year, and the 7 1/2-month-old baby he had never met.
"I had gotten the capsicum. And I was going to get onions," Rodriguez told Reuters from his hospital bed. "I heard the siren ... What happened after I don't know.
"I don't blame anybody. Just take care of me and my family. One leg. One eye. What can I do with my family now?"
The Kuwaiti firm that employed Rodriguez, Al Homaizi, operates 11 Pizza Huts, 13 Burger Kings and five Taco Bells on American bases in Iraq, said Joe Petrusich, who runs the firm's Iraq restaurants.
It employs about 300 workers, recruited in Kuwait but nearly all from poor countries in Asia: India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the Philippines.
They are a small part of the vast army behind the army -- the tens of thousands of "TCNs" -- "third-country nationals" -- hired to feed U.S. troops, wash their laundry, build their compounds and clean their toilets, for salaries of at most several hundred dollars a month.
The U.S. military says that by contracting out tasks like cooking and cleaning, it can provide its soldiers with a better environment at a lower cost.
For poor countries, allowing their citizens to work in Iraq has been controversial and often politically sensitive.
India has told its citizens not to work in Iraq since 2004, when three Indian contractors were kidnapped and demonstrators took to the streets at home complaining the government did too little to protect them.
But there is little a country can do to prevent its citizens taking work that pays much better than jobs at home.
The Philippines now puts stamps in new passports saying they are not valid for travel to Iraq.
Petrusich said the firm still employed Filipino workers in Iraq, as long as they have old passports without the stamps.
Al Homaizi is Pizza Hut's franchise in Kuwait, with 45 restaurants in that oil-rich Gulf state, where nearly all workers are recruited from poor Asian countries. The firm offers staff at its Kuwait restaurants double pay if they go to Iraq.
For Rodriguez, that was the equivalent of about $450 a month, enough finally to find a wife and start a family back in India after 10 years of working in Kuwait. The average per capita income in Goa is about $1,100 a year.
Petrusich said Rodriguez would receive free medical care in Kuwait, including physiotherapy and a prosthetic leg, and one-off payments totaling 18,333 Kuwaiti dinars, about $55,000, if he is finally deemed permanently disabled.
"I'm very close to these guys. I've known all of them. I know we do everything we can," he told Reuters by telephone from Kuwait. "It's just an unfortunate situation that has happened."
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Years ago I watched a movie called 'Risky Business' starring a very cute young guy called Tom Cruise. A few years later I saw another movie starring this fellow called 'Top Gun', and yet another with a very young Nicole Kidman.....
Then we hear that Tom Cruise and Nicole are to be married and as time went they seem to be the Modern Day Camelot couple...everything they touched turned to gold.
After years of marriage they finally split much to the worlds shock. How could this happen?
Stories arose about a another woman and true to hollywood form it was true......
A few years pass and we see Tom jumping around like a 4 year carrying over another girl Katey, he is just happy and excited he can hardly contain himself and so decides he doesn't need too...And his popularity appeared to drop big time:
All this leads me to ask the question I was asked:
Do we still like Tom Cruise?
Is he still the nice guy we thought he was?
Or do you preferr Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom?
Given the choice whose slippers would be under your bed for one night Tom Cruise, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp?
Or who is favourite and why?
Stumble It!
Friday, August 24, 2007
How to stop Terrorism
How to stop Terrorism......!
Using the following thought process....
Most politicians make their best breakthroughs in diplomatic matters after hours, over a few drinks.......
I tried it. It works, thing seem so much simpler when you introduce alcohol into the negotiations.... if its good enough for pollies then it good enough for me.....
Here my plan.....
This wont work for religious extremist groups for that solution please go to
But for all other forms of terrorism you know all the ones who don't like the government, a particular race of people, the neighbouring village, neighbouring country etc
Instead of banning these organisation as terrorists and giving them more of excuse to cause havoc on the rest of us..... we should appoint each of their leaders into a new council.....
This would be called the:
'Council of Self Righteous Bastards Who Know Better than the Rest of the World'
Part one
Each group will have to send its leader, this will be determined by popular vote...
They must have the full power and control on each organisation....
Each member of the council will sit opposite the member whom they at war with and as a matter of course discuss any and all grievances with this party through the mediation of the council.....
If for any reason a happy outcome can not be reach in open and frank dialogue, then part two of the mediation will take place......
Part two
A boxing ring will be permanently erected in the council chambers with world media coverage.... a boxing match will be said to be challenged. The two council members will enter the ring and fight it out winner takes all... and will be resolved to have won the argument...... and the matter closed.
Part three
If the dispute is still not settled and an amicable agreement cannot be reached between the members and this is likely to lead to war in their home lands. Then this will result in one member of each of the frueding council members close family being taken before the council and shot.... unless an agreement can be reached within a 2 day period....
I do believe that if the leaders of these organisation where to use the simple rules of talk about it, when that fails fight it out, and if all else fails, show you mean business, many Innocent lives could be saved.....
This would not just apply to present rebels and terrorists and couldbe applied across the board to any and all countries thinking of going to war, any government leader whom thought they had reason to invade another country and/or any government, person, organisation who thought they could do a better job than those presently in power...
This would stop all Coups, Civil Wars, World Wars, Territoral disputes, Factional fighting, terrorists, and any other unrest which leads to the deaths of innocent people....
Just think how much money could be raised to help get these countries back on their feet through ticket sales to the boxing match....just don't tell fox media
How many people when then the argument affects them directly will allow their mother husband, wife, child to be shot, rather than talk and come up with solution...not many....
What do you think
strange facts
It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.00 and each can also get an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of >>$2,470.00.
This compares very well to a single pensioner who after contributing to the growth and development of Australia for 40 to 50 years only receives a monthly maximum of $1,012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!
Let's send this to all Australians so we can all be ticked off and maybe we can get the refugees cut back to $1,012.00 and the pensioners up to $2,470.00 and enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 years.
Monday, August 20, 2007
In the news
We as Australians are expected to say:
"Oh my God the shame of it",
" Well I am not voting for him Now!",
" how could he have a few drinks to many and go watch beautiful women dance around with hardly any clothes on!"
After all he is Australian, he is male, He was overseas....
It is almost an Aussie tradition when you go overseas to get pissed and chase after or go watch women doing what they are getting paid for.....
Besides I think if this is the worst thing the Liberal Government can find to try and muddy his name then his got my vote.....
its not as if he lied about invading a middle eastern country,
or lied about dangerous nuclear and chemical weapons being hidden by a mad dictator,
or lied about Asian parents throwing their children overboard into the sea off a refugee boat,
or lied about a Goods and Services Tax... never ever ever...
oh sorry that was our Prime Minister John Howard .....
hmmmmm I think I'll the Strip club Rudd ....
Saturday, August 18, 2007
But can you imagine my surprise when looking through the web this morning I found the very headline I had dreamt of......
Well if this is not a preminition it was a very gruel joke.... getting my hopes up like that how could they....?
Update on wiki
CIA and Vatican edit Wikipedia entries
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - A US hacker's homemade program to pinpoint origins of Wikipedia edits indicates that alterations to the popular online encyclopedia have come from the CIA and the Vatican.
Virgil Griffith's "Wikiscanner" points to Central Intelligence Agency computers as the sources of nearly 300 edits to subjects including Iran's president, the Argentine navy, and China's nuclear arsenal.
A CIA computer was the source of a whiny "Wahhhhh" inserted in a paragraph about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's plans for the office.
"While I cannot confirm whether any changes were made from CIA computers, the agency always expects its computer systems to be used responsibly," CIA spokesman George Little said in response to an AFP inquiry.
Wikipedia is a communally refined Internet encyclopedia that taps into the "wisdom of the masses" by letting anyone make changes.
Its founders believe people who know better will quickly correct inaccurate or misleading information.
Griffith, a university graduate student and self-described hacker, says his software matches unique "IP" addresses of computers with Wikipedia records regarding which machines are used to make online edits.
"I came up with the idea when I heard about Congressmen getting caught for whitewashing their Wikipedia pages," Griffith explains on his website.
Most edits listed at Wikiscanner involve minor changes such as spelling. Some alterations involve removing unflattering information, adding facts or inserting insults.
Wikiscanner's roster indicates a Vatican computer was used to remove references to evidence linking Ireland's Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams to a decades-old double murder.
Someone at the US Democratic Party's Congressional campaign committee changed a description of conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh to replace "comedian" with "bigot" and dub his listeners "legally retarded."
"We don't condone these sorts of activities and we take every precaution to insure our network is used in a responsible manner," committee spokesman Doug Thornell told AFP.
A Republican Party computer purportedly was used after the US invasion of Iraq to change "occupying forces" to "liberating forces" in a Baath Party entry.
A United Nations computer is identified as the source of an edit that calls a respected Italian journalist a promiscuous racist.
Someone using a US Senate computer altered a profile of veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas to complain she "interrupts" and is annoying.
An edit traced by Wikiscanner to the BBC changes causes of former prime minister Tony Blair's heart palpitations from strong coffee and vigorous gym workouts to vodka and exertion in a bedroom.
Wikiscanner also identified a BBC computer as being used to change US president George W. Bush's middle name from "Walker" to "Wanker" at Wikipedia.
A computer belonging to Reuters news service is listed as adding "mass murderer" to a Wikipedia description of Bush.
Griffith said it appears common for political figures to "whitewash" entries by replacing negative adjectives with flattering ones and that corporations seem inclined to insert criticism of competitors.
Politicians and corporations show similar tendencies to remove critical information, according to Griffith.
Griffith still considers the collaborative open Wikipedia model reliable.
"Overall -- especially for non-controversial topics -- Wikipedia already works," Griffith says on his website.
"For controversial topics, Wikipedia can be made more reliable through techniques like this one ... to counteract vandalism and disinformation."
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Did you Know
I feel this is censorship gone mad. There is a saying 'History is written by the Victors'.... however in this day and age, is it still appropriate to allow this to happen to everything we read, research, think and say? This kind of bullshit public censorship is just one more nail in the coffin of free speech......
Friday August 17, 09:02 AM
CIA, FBI computers 'editing Wikipedia'
People using CIA and FBI computers have edited entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia on topics including the Iraq war and the Guantanamo prison, according to a new tracing program.
The changes may violate Wikipedia's conflict of interest guidelines, a spokeswoman for the site said.
The program, WikiScanner, was developed by Virgil Griffith of the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico and posted this month on a website that was quickly overwhelmed with searches.
The program allows users to track the source of computers used to make changes to the popular internet encyclopedia where anyone can submit and edit entries.
WikiScanner revealed that CIA computers were used to edit an entry on the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. A graphic on casualties was edited to add that many figures were estimated and were not broken down by class.
Another entry on former CIA chief William Colby was edited by CIA computers to expand his career history and discuss the merits of a Vietnam War rural pacification program that he headed.
Aerial and satellite images of the US prison for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were removed using a computer traced to the FBI, WikiScanner showed.
CIA spokesman George Little said he could not confirm whether CIA computers were used in the changes, adding that "the agency always expects its computer systems to be used responsibly".
The FBI did not have an immediate response.
Computers at numerous other organisations and companies were found to have been involved in editing articles related to them.
Griffith said he developed WikiScanner "to create minor public relations disasters for companies and organisations I dislike (and) to see what 'interesting organisations' (which I am neutral towards) are up to".
It was not known whether changes were made by an official representative of an agency or company, Griffith said, but it was certain the change was made by someone with access to the organisation's network.
It violates Wikipedia's neutrality guidelines for a person with close ties to an issue to contribute to an entry about it, said spokeswoman Sandy Ordonez of the Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia's parent organisation.
However, she said, "Wikipedia is self-correcting," meaning misleading entries can be quickly revised by another editor. She said Wikimedia welcomed the WikiScanner.
WikiScanner can be found at
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Times they are a changing
Do you making decisions each and everyday for your own good?
Do you understand that there is right and wrong, good and bad in this world? and do you know that there are good and bad people in the world?
Although most people are just trying to get on with our lives in the most normal ways possible, we are constantly told we are in danger, someone somewhere is planning something.
Yes it is always on the cards the something will happen to you or me somewhere in the world
And I really hope something does because who wants to go on holidays only to have nothing happen.... how boring would that be....
But before you all get your knickers in knot I am not talking about bombs, tidal waves, etc, just think how exciting the world would be if everyone was pleasent, well mannered, courteous, kind, thoughtful, understooding, eager to assist,no-one was trying to blow your off, you could catch a train without fear, you could travel by ship without overdosing on drugs, drive a vehicle and not worry about road side bombs, your children could play in the local playground and come home with all their limbs intact etc.
How boring would it be?
Yes it is frustrating when those foreigners don't understand a single thing you are saying, miss take what you are doing, Don't know that your T-shirt, shorts and thongs(shoes) is your National Dress and wearing a scarf or Turban is against your beliefs. After all some countries are simply to hot to wear anything at all.
So next time you are faced with these or other frunstrations whilst on holidays overseas, just remember you wouldn't have a problem if it wasn't for all these foreigners....
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
America right under your nose
While American Troops are protecting the world from the Muslim Infidels and saving us from those interesting invisible Weapons of Mass Destruction, look what is going on just north of their borders.
Welcome to the General Headquarters of the Campaign for Canadian World Domination! Your future tyrants are General Claire and General Jenny. The Generals are Canadian chicks who are taking over the world and re-designing it to suit their aims.We will accomplish this goal by:
• The systematic destruction and sublimation of all opposing our inevitable Canadian reign – and the polite, yet horrifically brutal, control of our future territories of conquest.
• Infiltrating the USA and through a cleverly designed plan, destroying it, and using its resources for our own purposes.
• Demonstrating to the world that Canada is the final and ultimate power.
• Decontaminating the world of Non-Canadian influence.
• Reorganizing a New World Society of Canucks to suit our loving, kindly, peaceful and diabolical aims.
Shocktroops on showshoes practice military drills with elementary school students: How fast your child can drop to the snow may determine the likelihood of his or her survival in the coming years.
There is nothing more frightening than an angered Canadian, they frighten the hell out of me,
PS if you believe this post I have a bridge for sale in Sydney shaped a bit like a coat hanger....fantastic views of the Harbour......
Saturday, August 11, 2007
New Holiday
Before we announce this new holiday a brief explaination maybe in order:
Prior to the the above holiday the worlds population was a productive 6.5 billion.
Due to the success of the holiday and the worlds embracing of it the population has slumped to numbers not seen for 150 years....2.4 billion.
We at the
had no idea there were so many gun owners who could shoot so accurately.
However this population slump seems to be contained within a few areas.....these are list below:
Southern States of America.......the population seems to have dived to record lows with a 85% decrease in population.
Northern American States..... decresed by 75% the majority of the decrease is in the 18- 30 year age bracket of African American men and White Wanna Bes.
Middle East...... has dropped by 70% it must be noted here the there was an incorrect interpretation of the rules in these countries. Several mininority groups thought it was INTERNATIONAL SHOOT ANYONE IN THE HEAD DAY, however this error has been fixed for next year.
Rowanda, Uganda, Ethiopia and several African Coutries: has had its population drop by a massive 69%. A small adjustment needed to be made in these countries. This was because the majority of gun owner was solely government officials and law inforcement. The general populations were mostly to poor to own a gun and those that did had no ammunition so it has become
I am sure you can see the problem. The drop in population has been huge and has caused overwhelming problems for most of the countries involved.
So to counter act this, A new holiday has been decided this is:
This day will take 4 months before INTERNATIONAL SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HEAD DAY. A registration process will take place 24 hours before the event to ensure full participation. All persons must be over the age of 21 years. You must shag the person standing next to you. All person who become pregnant will receive a 16 years full benefits to support their new family and allow the adult to stay and be a full time parent thus guaranteeing the health safety and moral stabilty of the next generation.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
A Global Holiday
One Day a Year will become:
This works like this:
If you own a gun you will be required by law to assemble at your local designated safe area.
There will a few exceptions to this:
Farmers with no more than 2 standard rifles
Person 12 years or under
Defense persons deployed overseas
At 12.00pm you will stand single file behind the person in fromt of you, place the firearm to your head and on the count of three fire. Those who miss with minor injuries will be reward with another year of life, they also will have the option of handing in their firearm or keeping it for next year festivities.....those who do not miss will be issued with a comemorative death certificate with stating of '-----name----- had the Right to Bear Arms'.
All succesful gun owners wil also receive a 15% discount on funeral arrangements and their families will have the proud knowledge this person succeed to stick to their guns....
If you are on holidays don't worry you will still be able to participate with a register set up to take absenty shooters details.
Those people who want to a gun can keep it, those you don't, wont, those that are suicidal can buy a gun. It will stop the fear in schools, post offices, work places etc and generally make the world a little safer for all of us......
Just think how many fluffy animals could be saved each year.... with this new initiative....
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Do we Really Need
You can get a good idea of their true thinking. Just think one of these people will become President, I didn't think things could get worse.....they cant? .......can they.....?
Hillary Clinton:
"We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." "God bless the America we are trying to create.""I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president."
Rudy Giuliani:
"We don't all agree on everything. I don't agree with myself on everything." "Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.""Oh, you dirty boy! Donald, I thought you were a gentleman." --while dressed in drag, after having his "breasts" fondled by Donald Trump
John McCain:
"F**k you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room." --to Sen.
John Cornyn (R-TX), during a testy exchange about immigration legislation
"There are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods today." --prior to visiting a Baghdad market while being flanked by 22 soldiers, 10 armored Humvees, and two Apache attack helicopters"You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran? Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran." "I had something picked out for you, too - a little IED (improvised explosive device) to put on your desk." --to Jon Stewart"I think I'd just commit suicide."
--on the prospects of the Democrats taking back the Senate in the 2006 elections"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."
Mitt Romney:
"PETA is not happy that my dog likes fresh air." --on strapping his dog to the top of the car"Well, the question is kind of a non sequitur, if you will. And what I mean by that -- or a null set." --after being asked during a Republican debate whether it was a mistake to invade Iraq"I purchased a gun when I was a young man. I've been a hunter pretty much all my life." (Romney's campaign later said he'd been hunting twice, once when he was 15, and once in 2006 at a Republican fundraiser"I'm not a big-game hunter. I've made that very clear. I've always been a rodent and rabbit hunter. Small varmints, if you will." "I'm happy to learn that after I speak you're going to hear from Ann Coulter. That's a good thing. I think it's important to get the views of moderates."
--right before Coulter called John Edwards a "faggot""Hugo Chavez has tried to steal an inspiring phrase 'Patria o muerte, venceremos.' It does not belong to him. It belongs to a free Cuba." --invoking a phrase that translates to "Fatherland or death, we shall overcome," which Fidel Castro has used to close his speeches for years, and which is associated with Cuban oppression
Barack Obama:
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
Joe Biden:
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." --on Barack Obama"I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. There's no shame in being tested for AIDS. It's an important thing.""You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. ... I'm not joking."
Tommy Thompson:
"I'm in the private sector and for the first time in my life I'm earning money. You know that's sort of part of the Jewish tradition and I do not find anything wrong with that. I enjoy that." --speaking to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism"I was very sick the day of the debate. I had all of the problems with the flu and bronchitis that you have, including running to the bathroom. I was just hanging on. I could not wait until the debate got off so I could go to the bathroom." --on why he said at a GOP presidential debate that an employer should be allowed to fire gay workers, after previously having blamed a faulty hearing aid for his answer
Mike Huckabee:
"If a person dresses provocatively, they're calling attention -- maybe not the most desirable kind -- to private parts of their body." --after being asked whether he's against miniskirts
Newt Gingrich:
"The American people believe English should be the official language of the government. ... We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto." --speaking to the National Federation of Republican Women "I'd forgotten how big a tourist attraction I am."
Monday, August 6, 2007
Land Grab
So the Federal Government decided to take the matter in hand and put a stop to the various forms of abuse. Its about time you might well say and I would agree with you, but there to this which we are finding out as time goes on and then we told are conspiracies designed to scare locals into not complying.
A few facts to think about:
- The problems in these remote communities has been going on for more than 30 years....with the governments full knowledge.
- High unemployment. Well this has been known about for hmmmm... 30 years or more. but it does stand to reason that if you live next to Uluru in the middle of a desert with nearest town being a 600+ kilimetres away theres not much chance of a job.
- Land rights. a majority of these township/settlements are now considered Aboriginal land and as such the people have all the rights to the land, minerals, etc.
- A few years ago, the ATSIC board, run by Aboriginees for their rights, was accused several instances of being corrupt, with the one of the main members having allegably accused of rape, child sexual abuse and various other crimes....nothing was done then.
So why all of sudden is the Federal Government sending the Army, medical teams, introducing laws which will remove ownership rights of the land and taking control of these communities? And Why are they choosing now to do it?
We all know these communities need help. but that is not the underlying reason for this action. So what is.......
Last year the government and mining companies approached these communties to purchase their land to use as a nuclear waste dump. As John Howard needs somewhere to store the waste from his intended nuclear power stations and uranium inrichment plant he wants to build.
Yes I kow conspiracy theory ringing in your ears, but listen to this and you see .....
All said no! they would not allow a waste dump in the middle of their land, no! they would not allow Uranium mining, except I believe one communtity. Shortly after this the Government was given a report which stated the above problems, it should be noted that a similar report was also given in the mid 1970's so it should be no surprise, next thing you know the Government is taking back control of the communities, sending in army and medical teams as well as social services, they will be removing children again, and taking the control of all land rights from the people living there....
The only community which has escaped this action is the community which sold the land to the government. Although they have a visit, this town has been found to be relitivly problem free...fancy that, surprise surprise surprise.....
So what do you think? Do you think the reasons given are all there is to it or do you think it there is more to it than meets the eyes?
The Coillision of the Willing is a place for you to use your voice, have your say on any topic running or start a new topic....add articles, just email me with your suggestions. With a more cynical political view....
I will not be censoring posts unless I find them offensive or contain adult content... there are plenty of sites on the net for that sort of thing.
With the erosion of our basic human rights it is time we stand together and tell the world what you think and why. We all no matter where on the planet you live have basic rights to help us, this is whether the governing body agrees or are some of them:
The right too: freedom, freedom of speech, religion, shelter, food, clean water, health, safety and the list goes on and on. It seems to me we are slowly loosing these one by one and being told they are for our own good. The world is becoming more and more controlled and anyperson who objects to restrictions is either being discredited, gaolled(jailled), theatened or otherwised discouraged.
Well I feel it is time to stand up and say enough, sure protect us, by all means keep our coutries safe and for sure support our defense forces, but I am calling for end to the lies and untruths we are being feed and expected to swallow.