Monday, November 26, 2007
Labor Wins!
It is being called a landslide victory for the Federal Labor Party, Prime Minister John Howard and the Liberal have been Sacked yep Fired …
Its is funny how many people at there who voted Liberal are still aruguing telling us the sky is falling and the world is coming to an end...fortunately they are as few and the votes counted for them......
An Atmosphere of hope and expectation seems to be filling the Australian Public. The Liberal Party has always been seen as the Businessmans, accountants and economy Party, where as the Labor Party as the Working Mans, social conscience, Fair Go party… And that is what the Australian People have decided is more Important…
The Greens have increased their ranking with huge swings in votes to them.. none more so than in Tasmania where the Pulp Mill has been the big issue and the only 2 Liberal held seats going to Labour after Green Preferences so hopefully this will be enough to change the decision and get it stopped…
I believe as does a vast number of people that the next 3 years are going to put back the inequilties of the past, fix the problems and make our Country the Fair Go Capital in the World once More…
That to me is the essence of what the change will bring… and although we have high hopes with the change we have voted for there is a long road ahead, big promises made and big expectations lets hope this New Government can deliver what so many of us believe we need….
Your thoughts are welcome..
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
On Saturday We Vote
I have been amazed at all the scare mongering and nasty lying commercials being played on the TV as to the Labor and Greens Party..... At any other time these forms of advertising would never have made it to air...
The Liberal and Family First Parties have a lot to answer for and using an Ad Compaign of this poor quality has signs of Desperation ....
I don't know about you but this sort of behavior just gets my back up, and tends to push me in the opposite direction....
So will be voting for more of the same or are you looking a change.... I tend to think a change is as good as a holiday and I havent a holiday in a long time....
What do you think?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Boogyman
When I was a child, I was told stories about a boogy man. He would lurk in places dark and secluded and take children who were inplaces they should not be. Scary stuff but it stopped me wandering off and I remained reasonably safe through out those years.
Now I am adult I am still being told the same stories, but this time they are not the Boogyman I must watch out for it is Terrorist. And where the Boogy man would take children from their parents and hurt them these guys just blow you up. And just like the Boogyman they could be anyone, Your neighbour, your friend, your teacher, the bus driver, the guy walking past you in the street.....
I am so over these scary stories.
It is getting to the point where a person can't think, say, do, watch, read, or even look as they wish... I fear the world is fast becoming a world where people will be to afraid to leave their homes.
What do you think...
Monday, November 5, 2007
Whose leading the chase